Angela Neustatter

It Happened to Me


A series of six books in which young adults tell their own stories of things that have happened to them from being mugged to having to flee their country as a refugee. They discuss how they coped and the psychological effects. The subjects include: Eating Disorders Losing a Loved One My Family Racism Relationships & Sex Depression


Talking About Myself


This is a series of six books focusing on young people’s mental health commissioned by the publishers Hachette and which has been used in schools. They are shaped around interviews in which young people discuss real life relationships and sex, depression, eating disorders, family, racism. Subjects include: It Happened to Me : Refugee It Happened to […]


The Lifestyle Entrepreneur


Co-author Cato Hoeben. My son Cato seemed all set on a science career in London until he met his now wife Carolina who is Spanish and lives in Seville. He decided to go and live over there and knew he would need to re-imagine his life. That led to his becoming an entrepreneur, creating and selling […]


The Year I Turn… A Quirky A – Z of Ageing


As I was approaching the age of 70, the world around seemed to be exploding with on the one side people’s fear and loathing of what the ageing process means, and on the other a kind of desperate urgency to prove they could be more dazzlingly amusing , stylish, bodily fit than ever before. So I […]


A Home for the Heart


A place to call home , a stable haven for our private life, is essential to our well-being and happiness. The home is also a place where the Sturm und Drang of life takes place, some of our most formative and fundamental experiences are lived. Home can be a source of great succour or the […]


Locked in Locked Out – The Experience of Young Offenders Out of Society and in Prison


We lock up far more children and young people than most people realise and most of us have little idea what that experience, at a very vulnerable age will mean for them.  What happens to them inside is crucial to how they will emerge as young adults. I was given a grant by the Gulbenkian Foundation […]


This is Our Time – Mid-Life A Positive and Challenging Guide


When, towards the end of my 40s I found myself overwhelmed with a sense of being lost in my soul and with a head full of is-this-it? questions I came to see that this was mid-life, and back then nobody was really talking about it. It was an uncharted life-stage which can, if we face it boldly , be […]


Hyenas in Petticoats – A Look at 20 Years of Feminism


As a woman who lived through the 1970s  into the 1980s I was interested in how widely the feminist movement had influenced women’s lives on issues such as motherhood, employment, the media, sexual politics. But I wanted to write an accessible book, from a  journalistic perspective, viewing how the movement had been seen from the outside.It was put […]


Mixed Feelings – The Experience of Abortion


This book came out of a film I took part in, made by Gina Newson . Women talked to me about why they had chosen to have abortions, how  the experience impacted on their lives. Had the attitudes of doctors and nurses, the support they had in private life, whether they felt judged or not,  been significant in whether […]


Childhood Warts and All


Co-author CAROLINE FOLEY. A light-hearted look at the good, the bad and the unpredictable aspects of  being a parent.